I’ve gone mad

So this is the lat week of my family’s weight loss challenge. I’m such a procrastinator so it’s no surprise that I’m giving it one last push this week. I’m prepared and ready. Today’s weight was 227.2, that’s two pounds down from last week. It’s not bad but I really need to be in that 3-5 pound range this week. That’s just for the sake of the competition. Any other time I’d be perfectly fine with losing two pounds a week. But I’m on the final leg of this thing and I must push on!

Sunday I sat down and made a detailed workout schedule and even planned my meals for the rest of this week. I’m planning on cooking the Zucchini black bean bake today and then pretty much sticking to fruits, veggies and beans. No extra cheese this week! I’m finally going to pick up some of my miracle food, tofu noodles (only 20 calories per serving, and yes I’m serious!) and mix that with tomato sauce and maybe some bell peppers and diced tomatoes. We’ll see how lazy I’m feeling when it’s time for that meal.

And as far as exercise goes I have 8 workouts planned between now and Saturday, including two 5am gym visits (somebody save me from myself! lol) Either this will get me the win or it’ll punish me for not working out the last few weeks. Win-win situation.

And I think there’s a bit of sabotage going on here. Sunday morning I had a full McDonald’s breakfast awaiting me when I woke up. So yesterday I decided to return the favor by getting a bottle of rum on the way home to make a rum cake! Somebody’s favorite type of cake. I’m not above playing dirty people! So let the games begin! And I hope my dad enjoys his cake :).

I think Friday night or Saturday morning I’ll go hit up a sauna. Get some extra water weight off. Wish me luck with my mad sprint to the finish line. I hope it’s enough. If I win how about some type of giveaway or contest? I’ll have some extra cash so that’ll be a good idea. Any suggestions for my contest/giveaway? Or any weigh-in tips?

If you see me this week and I’m a little less than friendly, it was probably that 5am day! And maybe I’ll get an extra one or two in between my full-time job and tutoring. We shall see. I’m about to hop back in bed and prepare for the madness that I’ve put upon myself. Happy Monday. What does not kill me makes me stronger.

6 responses »

  1. Charlotte | livingwellonthecheap

    Your dad brought you McDonald’s out of spite??? Your family sounds hilarious! I think all your ideas sound great! Make sure you don’t go too low on your calories or it could backfire. I especially love the sauna idea. I wonder how much those body wraps cost?

  2. Somehow I don’t hear that “Happy Monday” sounding very enthusiastic when I imagine you saying it. 😉 But this is great!! You can do this!

  3. You can do it!!


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